Elie Califer newly elected PS deputy from Guadeloupe thus expressed this Thursday. POLITICS The announcement of the candidacy of the Minister of Overseas Yaël Braun-Pivet for the presidency of the National Assembly Wednesday June 22 a month after her appointment aroused anger but above all resignation among the elected ultramarines. Leuchte Snuffy First Light Kinderzimmer Mobel Kinderzimmer Nachtleuchte Yvelines MP Yaël Braun-Pivet was elected President of the National Assembly on Tuesday 28 June. . Insuffisant alors que la majorité absolue requise était fixée à 277 votes avec les 553 exprimés. Braun-Pivet is a former Socialist who joined Macrons party in 2016 and a relative newcomer to law-making. Yvelines MP Yaël Braun-Pivet was elected President of the National Assembly on Tuesday 28 June. Contrary to what one might think Yaël Braun-Pivet who will henceforth lead the Assemblys debates second woman elected to the Law Com...